Tyler Coburn, Richard Roe
Richard Roe is the fictional memoir of a legal person. The name is one of the oldest used in English law when the real name of someone is withheld, or when a corpse can't be identified. Richard Roe is a known unknown, a one-size-fits-all, a potentially everyone and actually no one. Divided into seven fragmentary sections, this memoir gives voice to the legal fictions that creep around the margins of selfhood-and that increasingly dictate the terms of economic and political process. It draws on numerous concepts of personhood from legal, psychological, linguistic, and metaphysical realms, including Ancient Roman juridical theory; Medieval writings on materialism; and arguments, of the last two centuries, for the legal personhood of corporations, rivers, and other elements of the natural world.
Paperback, 72 Pages, 11x18 cm
Published by: Sternberg Press